Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Construction And Experience Of Gender Inequality

Social status and structures have definitely shaped the construction and experience of gender inequality. Men and women are constantly analyzed, compared, and grouped together in society. The result of this yields discrepancies in how sexes are viewed by society. Throughout my examination and explanation of gender inequality, I concluded both men and women are victims to gender inequality. I examined different professional industries in The United States to get a familiar understanding of gender inequality around me. Gender inequality does not particularly favor one sex in every professional industry. Joanne Lipman’s article, Let’s Expose the Gender Pay Gap, dealt with professional women in the work force and the gender pay gap that exists between professional men. There is also a distinct gender gap between a woman and a man asking for a raise or promotion within a company. â€Å"Female doctors and surgeons, for example, earn 71 percent of what their male colleagues make, while female financial specialists are paid just 66 percent as much as comparable men. Other researchers have calculated that women one year out of college earn 6.6 percent less than men after controlling for occupation and hours, and that female M.B.A. graduates earn on average $4,600 less than their male classmates for their first jobs.† (Lipman). There is a statistical gender pay gap in The United States that is undeniable. In the industry of education, women have the inequality advantage over men. â€Å"TheShow MoreRelatedSocial Construction Theory : The Product Of Society And History851 Words   |  4 PagesFall Term Essay 1 Social construction theory explains human behaviour and identities as the product of society and history (Vance 29). 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