Monday, February 24, 2020

Developing and Managing Performance (Organisation Essay - 1

Developing and Managing Performance (Organisation - Essay Example Over the years, there has been a lot of attention given on performance management and development with the demand for thorough information being actually intensified with the economic downfall. Human resources specialists have toiled to make sure that they keenly evaluate performance between relevant and fair measures putting most of their focus and efforts on essential aspects of any business. Essentially, the different efforts have circled around making sure that the processes are similar in temperament with the requirements of a changing breed of line manager, stream line the systems that are paper based and facilitate admittance through media. Nonetheless, most of the human resource strategies that have more experience are also focused in ensuring that managing the performance conveys in an environment where the evolution of numbers and effect on organizational brand and innovation is based on the ways of the business success. Concurrently, the report focuses on evaluating the challenges an organization may incur in putting it into place a performance and reward strategy using knowledge of the results past case studies and theories from different specialists on the field but mostly on human resources. Currently, the nature of work is altering with diverse organizations and corporations operating in more of a specialized network that is also flexible and natural; basically, the frequency of strategic partnering arrangements between organizations increasing the need for management relationships to be managed beyond the organization and hence further work is required. On the other hand, reward systems are also a critical part of any organizations design and how well they are compatible with the rest of the systems has an equal effect on to what extent they will be effectual and also on the quality of life that people will experience in the organization. There have been new reward systems practices

Friday, February 7, 2020

Brand value and its effect on public perception and to a business Thesis

Brand value and its effect on public perception and to a business - Thesis Example The names of the products become brands when they are globally recognized by the people. When these names become brands, they also obtain the responsibility of commitment towards their customers and also the channel partners or intermediaries. A product is not a brand but a brand is something more than a product. Brand value helps in delivering or communicating specific message to the customers (Parameswaran 3). The message that the brand conveys to its target customers, helps to decide the type of strategies that the firm would form to retain its brand value. Marketing strategies are developed for protecting and further enhancing the brand value of the products. Brand value also helps in measuring the value that is generated from the marketing investments. If brand value is monitored regularly then it also enables the marketing agency and the client to react to the market fluctuations promptly and also assign particular resources for taking measures in those areas (Ahmad 81). The st udy aims at focusing on the oil and gas industry of UAE to discuss the different dimensions of brand value, its effects on the perception of the people and the business. It was oil that transformed UAE from an underdeveloped desert region to a prosperous and rich country. On one side this is positive aspect of UAE because oil and gas resource has changed the standard of living of the people. This suggests that the value of the oil and gas industry as a brand has increased with time. On the other hand, the recent oil spill incidence of British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico had adversely affected the brand image of the oil and gas industry globally. The developing countries around the world had held the company British Petroleum responsible for poor safety and maintenance framework. After this incident British Petroleum lost about $32 billion in a span of two weeks. Though British Petroleum assured that it would bear all the oil spill cleaning cost and compensate the people who were affected from this oil spill, but the loss was massive and it was really difficult for the company to recover its lost brand image and value even if it compensate the people for their losses. Many companies in this sector are facing branding issues due to various factors, such as entry of new labels or brands, fragmentation of the target customers, cut throat competition, economic condition and expectation from the financial market or customers’ preferences towards the visible brand names. It has been seen that many strong brands in this sector are losing their value and their financial performance is also getting affected. The major plays in the oil and gas industry around the world, such as Shell, British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, etc are using narrow approach as a method for branding as it is becoming difficult to companies to maintain their position and their well established brand value. This also reflects that in this industry,